Semester Genap 2016-2017


Download :  LTspiceXVII

Daftar Pustaka :

  1. Sedra – Smith : WinDjView-2.0.2-Setup – Microelectronic Circuits – Sedra Smith – 5th edition.part1 – Microelectronic Circuits – Sedra Smith – 5th edition.part2
  2. Bolystead : Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory [11th Edition] [Ebook]
  3. Jaeger : microelectronic-circuit-design-4th-edition-jaeger
  4. Neamen :
  5. Razavi : Fundamentals of Microelectronics

Materi Presentasi :

Soal-Soal UTS :


Download :  LTspiceXVII

Daftar Pustaka :

  1. Bowick, Christ; RF Circuit Design, 1982
  2. Pozar, David M; Microwave Engineering, John Wiley & Sons, 2003 2nd edition
  3. Liao, Samuel Y; Microwave Circuit Analysis and Amplifier Design, Prentice Hall, 1987.
  4. Electronic Filter Design Handbook 4th Ed
  5. Krauss, HL; Solid State Engineering, 1980
  6. Gonzalez, Guillermo; Microwaves Transistor Amplifier Analysis Design; Prentice Hall, 1984.

Materi Kuliah :

  1. Bab_1_Resonator
  2. Bab_2_IMC
  3. Bab_3_Filter_Analog